Trees are not just for the far away mountains and jungles. They are very much needed right where we live. In the city. In our neighbourhood. Where we breathe, where we live. Trees are needed right where we live not just in far away forests.
Trees are home to birds and squirrels, and they are home to people as well, providing a place for solitude and repose away from the pressures of the city. In fact, trees contribute substantially to property values.
A treed neighbourhood can increase real estate values by over twenty percent. In town, people tend to shop longer along streets lined with shade trees. Apartments and office space are rented more quickly and for longer periods in green areas, and businesses are more apt to locate in a community with a healthy urban forest.
But trees have tangible health benefits as well. How many of us suffer from some sort of respiratory problem? Trees act as an air filter, trapping dust particles and absorbing gaseous pollutants.